gratitude diary, Life Hacks, Uncategorised, Uncategorized

Life is Good

Creativity is one of the keys to a great life... what are your strategies to find the time?

Life Hacks, Novels and Creative Writing, Trigger Warning!, Uncategorised, Uncategorized

Benefits of Counselling for Rainbow Sunshine444 (Part 1 of 5)

I recently lost a friend. I lost her because I set a boundary. This is the boundary: for her to be in my life, she had to attend counselling at least fortnightly. In the state that I live in, she could access free fortnightly counselling because she is a victim of serious crime and child… Continue reading Benefits of Counselling for Rainbow Sunshine444 (Part 1 of 5)

F.I.R.E., Life Hacks, More experienced Investors, New To Finance, Uncategorised, Uncategorized

Plenty of Honey in my Cupboard (Part 2 of 3)

What will truly make you happy?